Honey Vinegar Dressing

KATZ Farm - Honey Viognier

KATZ Farm - Honey Viognier

5% acidity

Regular price$16.00
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5% acidity

There are no shortcuts to making handcrafted vinegar.

Here, we marry our own KATZ honey with varietal wines in oaks barrels, slowly fermenting it into a finished Agrodolce...“sweet and sour” in Italian. 

The production of this vinegar is always a challenge as we can only produce about 50 gallons every two months! It takes nearly 100 pounds of our KATZ Black Button Sage Honey, which we have found produces the clearest and cleanest honey vinegar flavor, to make a single batch. We have also added some Napa Valley Riesling to the Viognier wine that we use to make this vinegar, and as we like the “spice” and aromas it brings to the proverbial dance, or vinegar in this case!

About the Taste: "peach" and "apricot" describes the deep, rich floral qualities of our KATZ Honey Vinegar with hints of honeysuckle and vanilla to balance the pleasant acidity. The flavors can best be expressed as the "honey is dancing on top of the vinegar." 

In truth, it is the ultimate 'Slow Food' and we take the challenge in stride as we love the balanced acid and sweet flavors full of nuanced tones from the combination of wine and honey…plus it enhances so many foods we love!

Pickup Hours

Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 5:30pm

Saturday & Sunday: By Appointment Only

Pickup Location

11811 Monterey Hwy, San Martin, CA 95046